Wir leben in der Newtonschen Physik – der vorhersehbaren Welt und der scheinbar kalkulierbaren Welt. Wo wir aber tatsächlich hin wollen, um das Manifestieren zu praktizieren, ist in das Unbekannte und in die unvorhersehbare Welt. Dr. Joe Dispenza spricht hier von: “The no-body, no-one, no thing, no where, no time, no woman or man, no age, no […]

Tipps how to change your daily habits (Joe Dispenza)

Text by Dany Creutz Why is it so hard to change old habits? A new science, based on research in neuroscience, epigenetic, brain mapping and meditation, by brain expert Dr. Joe Dispenza, gives people permission to ‘change’ in a state of joy and inspiration. Imagine there are spiritual, scientifical, philosophical principals about the possibility on […]